Tender for Management of Brewarrina Pool Complex
Church Street Brewarrina – Tender No. 2025-01


Tenders are invited and will be received up until 2:00 pm on Wednesday 31st July 2024 for “Contract No. 2025/01 – Brewarrina & District War Memorial Olympic Pool Complex.

The work under this contract involves the Management and Operational services at the Pool Complex.

Tender documents are available from the Council’s Office’s Bathurst Street Brewarrina Telephone 02 6830 5100 between 8.30am and 4.30pm on business days or available for download from the Council’s website

All tenders shall be submitted in accordance with the Tender Documentation and shall be endorsed with the Contract Number and Description and placed in the Tender Box in a sealed envelope, which is located in the foyer at Council’s Administration Centre. The responsibility for lodgement of the tender in the tender box lies solely with the tenderer.

Tenderers and members of the public are invited to attend the opening of tenders immediately after the closing time.

The canvassing of Councillors or Council staff, at any time, in respect of this Tender will disqualify a tenderer.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Further information in relation to the proposed contract may be obtained by contacting;

Executive Assistant telephone 02 6830 5100 during office hours


Download Tender Document




Councillor Tommy Stanton


Elected to Council – 2014

Email –

Councillor Noel Sheridan

Committees – Roads and Maritime Services Regional Consultative Committee & Western Regional Weeds Committee

Elected to Council – 2021 

Councillor Donna Jeffries

Committees-  Roads and Maritime Services Regional Consultative Committee, Tourism & Cultural Committee & Heritage Committee.
Elected to Council – 2017

Councillor Isaac Gordon

Councillor Douglas Gordon

Committee – Tourism & Cultural Committee

Elected to Council – 2021


Councillor Trish Frail

Committees – Murray Darling Association, Big Sky Library, Brewarrina General Cemetery Committee, Water Users & Tourism & Culture Committee.

Elected to Council – 2021

Councillor Mark Brown

Committees –  Aged Care, Brewarrina General Cemetery Committee & Heritage Committee.

Elected to Council – 2008


Deputy Mayor Angelo Pippos

Committees- Aged Care Committee, Big Sky Library & Traffic Committee.  

Elected to Council – 2008


Mayor Vivian Slack-Smith

Committees – Brewarrina General Cemetery, Tourism & Cultural Committee.

Elected to Council 2017

Elected as Mayor 2022

Elected as Deputy Mayor 2020
