The Brewarrina Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP) is the main planning tool for shaping the future of the community and ensuring local development is done appropriately. It provides a framework that guides planning decisions for local government areas through zoning and development controls. Zoning determines how land can be used (for example, for housing, industry, or recreation) and development controls set guidelines.
This Plan aims to make local environmental planning provisions for land in Brewarrina in accordance with the relevant standard environmental planning instrument under section 3.20 of the Act.
The particular aims of this Plan are:
to protect and promote the use and development of land for arts and cultural activity, including music and other performance arts.
to encourage the proper management of the natural and human-made resources of Brewarrina by protecting, enhancing or conserving productive agricultural land; timber, minerals, soils, water and other natural resources; areas of significance for nature conservation; areas of high scenic or recreational value; and places and buildings of archaeological or heritage significance.
to promote ecologically sustainable urban and rural development.
to provide a secure future for agriculture by expanding Brewarrina’s economic base and minimising the loss or fragmentation of productive agricultural land.
to minimise land use conflict.
to ensure that development has regard to the capability of the land.
to provide a choice of living opportunities and types of settlement within Brewarrina.
to ensure that the efficiency of arterial roads is not adversely affected by development on adjacent land.
Brewarrina’s LEP can be viewed on the NSW Legislation Website here or downloaded from the following link: Brewarrina LEP.